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The Fixies 2017 new English Thermometer Plus More Full Episodes online live

xMakedonecx 19.02.2019, 2289

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The Fixies 2017 new English Thermometer Plus More Full Episodes online live
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The Fixies 2017 new English Thermometer Plus More Full Episodes for kids live on youtube

Look online for a new series of Fixies. Tom Thomas fell ill, the electronic thermometer broke down. His mother decided to find an old mercury thermometer. Fixies came to find out what happened to their friend. Simka as the most intelligent told the difference between electronic and mercury thermometer. Tom Thomas broke the thermometer. We know that mercury is very poisonous, Fixies will help collect all the balls of mercury. All Fixies have a helper - this is a backpack in which all the items needed for repair are hidden. Fixies should know well what each tool is for. Watch online Fixies is a very interesting and informative cartoon.


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