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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Wires More Full Episodes watch online for their children

xMakedonecx 08.01.2018, 1997

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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Wires More Full Episodes watch online for their children
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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Wires More Full Episodes watch online for kids for free

Watch the new series of The Fixies in English for free online. The Fixies lessons take place in the laboratory of professor Eugene. One day the professor decided to turn on the fan, but there was not a single free outlet, he got tangled in these wires. Then The Fixies decided to help him, because this place is beautiful and there are many scientific devices and tools for studying, and most importantly, they will never have to hide from the head of the laboratory. In the beginning, it is necessary to disconnect all the wires and they did it, they found a wire that was not connected and released the outlet. To supply electricity to the device, you need to plug a couple of wires into the outlet, but it is important not to allow the wires to come into contact with each other, because electricity can burn them. Therefore, the wires are covered with plastic or rubber so that electricity does not pass from one wire to another, or to us when we touch you. It is important to be very careful with the wires, you can not touch the bare wire, you can die from an electric shock. Watch online for free all series in a row without stopping The Fixies in English is a very interesting, informative and just a fun animated series.

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The Fixies online, Watch, english, The Fixies Cartoon, The Fixies in English, for free, More Full Episodes, The Fixies, online, The Wires, The Fixies watch, in English, Cartoon
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