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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Bee and cereal full episodes watch online

xMakedonecx 27.01.2018, 2315

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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Bee and cereal full episodes watch online
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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Bee and cereal full episodes watch online for their children for free

Watch the new series of The Fixies in English for free online. Tom Thomas was eating jam and a bee flew into the window, he wanted to kill her, but the Sim card said that flies are harmful, and bees are useful. Bees are hard workers, they constantly collect nectar from flowers. Flying from flower to flower, they carry pollen on their bellies. Thanks to this pollination process, flowers produce fruits and seeds. With other owls, bees help plants reproduce. Bees use the collected nectar to make sweet honey, which is loved by adults and children. This honey is not only delicious, but also healthy. Bees don't bite, they sting. The Fixies helped the bee fly out of the open window. A long time ago, people could only collect honey by destroying bees' nests, and this continued until someone came up with the idea to tame these insects. we started by leaving enough honey for the bees to survive the winter. People took care of the bees and even began to build houses for them, which are called hives. Watch online for free all series in a row without stopping The Fixies in English is a very interesting, informative and just a fun animated series.

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