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The Fixies in English Cartoon new series Tubes watch online for their children

xMakedonecx 28.03.2018, 1170

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The Fixies in English Cartoon new series Tubes watch online for their children
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The Fixies in English Cartoon new series Tubes watch online for the kids for free

Watch the new cartoon series The Fixies in English for free online. Nolik is Simka's younger brother, he is still too young and therefore does not know much. But this does not prevent yemets from taking part in many cases at all. Parents sometimes have to help him out of various difficult situations. Nolik is very curious and therefore met a man, a boy Tom Thomas and broke the number one rule for The Fixies, to hide from people. However, Nolik is not the first to make friends with a man, Grandfather was the first to make friends with a professor many years ago and now The Fixies school is located in his laboratory. The Fixies are learning what pipes are in class today. It is very important to be sure that the pipe will not leak. Metal pipes are made using a sheet of metal rolled into a pipe, and with the help of a seam it is fixed, but the seam can break and therefore people have figured out how to make pipes without seams. It is necessary to stretch hot metal on special machines, and there are also pipes made of plastic, and even glass. Watch online for free all the episodes in a row without stopping The Fixies in English is a very interesting, informative and just a fun animated series.

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