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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Spare Part new series watch online for infants

xMakedonecx 02.04.2018, 1152

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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Spare Part new series watch online for infants
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The Fixies in English Cartoon The Spare Part new series watch online for their children for free

Watch the new cartoon series The Fixies in English for free online. Papus always dreamed of working on a space rocket and he even got a job at the cosmonaut training center, he repaired a centrifuge. He made sure that it worked well, but Papus had a day off during the rocket flight and therefore did not fly into space. Since then, he does not like weekends and the washing machine in the house is always in perfect order, because it looks like a centrifuge. The board is arranged in this way - two metal plates are connected to each other, and then I put contact pads on them, through which electricity will flow, after which all excess metal is washed off with a special cleaning liquid, and only the pads painted on the board remain. These platforms work like wires and connect various parts together. It remains only to attach the necessary parts to their place. Many more adventures await The Fixies, and if you accidentally find out their secret, then don't tell it to anyone. Watch online for free all the episodes in a row without stopping The Fixies in English is a very interesting, informative and just a fun animated series.

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