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Leo and Tig Cartoon 2017 new series English Episode 6 - Animated watch online

22.02.2019, 1945

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Leo and Tig Cartoon 2017 new series English Episode 6 - Animated watch online
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Cartoon Leo and Tig 2017 new English Episode 6 - Animated movie for kids for babies full episodes watch online for free

Watch online the new Leo and Tig series. Friends heard a story about a deer living in the sky and lightning is hidden in its horns, and this is what allows the sky to spew thunder and lightning. A red deer can even light trees and make a fire. Leo and Tig saw how the Beavers built a dam, they went to play, but suddenly a thunderstorm began. Leo and Tig were very scared that a Red Deer would appear and a fire would begin. This is what happened. But the fire got to the platinum that the Beavers built, and since there was a river, it did not go further. Watch online the new Leo and Tig in English series is a very interesting, informative and developing cartoon.

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