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Talking Tom and Friends Cartoon in English 2020 new series Roommate War Season 5 Episode 10 watch online for kids for free

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Talking Tom and Friends Cartoon in English 2020 new series Roommate War Season 5 Episode 10 watch online for kids for free
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Talking Tom and Friends Cartoon in English 2020 new series Roommate War Season 5 Episode 10 watch online for the kids for free

Watch the new Talking Tom and Friends in English series online. Angela and Becky decided to throw a party about the fact that they began to live together. But they couldn't agree on the theme of the party. The girls quarreled and Angela believes that they are too different and can not live in the same apartment. Tom and friends came to support Angela. He advised to find a compromise. We decided to arrange a friendship day. Angela tries to show what she likes, and Becca what she likes. Becca suggested skydiving, but Angela got scared and sent a dummy instead. They had a party and made up. They became the best neighbors. We should always listen to each other. Watch online all series in a row without stopping Talking Tom and Friends in English-this is a very interesting,informative and just fun cartoon.

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