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Fantasy Patrol in English videos 2020 new series Best Friends Story 24 watch online for kids for free

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Fantasy Patrol in English videos 2020 new series Best Friends Story 24 watch online for kids for free
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Fantasy Patrol in English videos 2020 new series Best Friends Story 24 watch online for their children for free

Watch the new Fantasy Patrol in English series online. The girls went to the Kingdom of air, but Valerie didn't go with them. Something happened in the Kingdom. Valerie will tell a story that happened to her as a child. She met Celeste, the air Princess. They became best friends, but after a while Celeste forgot about her. Fantasy Patrol learn that a crystal has broken in the air Kingdom and with Valerie's help they manage to resurrect it. Everyone was grateful, especially Celeste.Watch online all series in a row without stopping Fantasy Patrol in English - this is a very interesting,informative and just fun cartoon.

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