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Fantasy Patrol in English video 2020 new series Story 25 Getting Ready look online for the children for free

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Fantasy Patrol in English video 2020 new series Story 25 Getting Ready look online for the children for free
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Fantasy Patrol in English video 2020 new series Story 25 Getting Ready watch online for the kids for free

Watch the new Fantasy Patrol in English series online. Fantasy Patrol protect the fairytale world. The villain tries to get hold of the keys that belong to the fairies. Each fairy has its own magic and they can control the elements. They like ordinary girls like to dance, sing and have fun. Helena can control fire, her parents were fire mages. There is a snow girl, her aunt the snow Queen. Fantasy Patrol always come to the aid of those who need it. There are many wizards in the fairy-tale world and everyone needs help. Even the Troll girls were able to help, he had a magic harp from her singing all around fell asleep. Watch online all series in a row without stopping Fantasy Patrol in English - this is a very interesting,informative and just fun cartoon.

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Fantasy Patrol, Cartoon, Story 25, Fantasy Patrol new series, Getting Ready, Fantasy Patrol watch, Fantasy Patrol online, 2020, in English, Fantasy Patrol in English, Fantasy Patrol Cartoon, New Series, Watch online
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