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Fantasy Patrol watch online Story 11 Little Witches new 2018 English Cartoon for children full episodes

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Fantasy Patrol watch online Story 11 Little Witches new 2018 English Cartoon for children full episodes
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Fantasy Patrol watch online Story 11 Little Witches new 2018 English Cartoon for babies full movie on youtube

Watch the new Fantasy Patrol in English series online for free. The young sorceresses decided to find out what kind of strange toy Alenka had. They went to see Mrs. Yaga. She told about the fairy-tale world that existed for a very long time and when the evil prince wanted to be a wizard, he began to take on different guises and then the portal to the fairy-tale world was closed, and Alyonka is a descendant of the ancient fairy-tale wizards. Fantasy Patrol were very happy that now their friend can also be a sorceress. They were given the task to look after the Dragon that should hatch from the egg. The young sorceresses coped well with this task, proving once again that they are capable of a lot. Watch online for free all the series in a row without stopping Fantasy Patrol in English - this is a very interesting, informative and just a fun cartoon.

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