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The Fixies in English Cartoon Chain Reaction new series watch online for the kids

xMakedonecx 16.02.2018, 2076

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The Fixies in English Cartoon Chain Reaction new series watch online for the kids
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The Fixies in English Cartoon Chain Reaction new series watch online for their children for free

Watch the new cartoon series The Fixies in English for free online. The Fixies will tell us what a chain reaction is. It's very easy: if you want to light a fire, then use a match, light a match, and then a branch and a log. How a fire breaks out is an example of a chain reaction, but you need to be careful, because one match or a smoldering ember is enough to cause a catastrophe. The whole forest can catch fire and everything around can also burn to the ground - this is a chain reaction. Everything in the universe consists of atoms, these particles are so small that they cannot be seen even in a microscope, but when a small atom disintegrates, a tiny explosion occurs and this explosion can cause a new explosion. It is the current that works the chain reaction. This allows you to make a giant explosion of an atomic bomb. She is the deadliest weapon known to mankind. But nuclear energy can also be used for peaceful purposes. For example, a nuclear power plant is used to produce electricity. It turned out to be an instructive series. Watch online for free all the episodes in a row without stopping The Fixies in English is a very interesting, informative and just a fun animated series.

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