Booba in English Cartoon 2021 new series Food Puzzle: Waffle Airplanes - Episode 16 watch online for children for free
Watch the new Booba in English series online. Booba loves to eat delicious food. Now it's time to learn how to cook. Booba is playing with an airplane that can fly. The mouse suggested making airplanes out of waffles. He and Booba went back to cooking. It is necessary to take waffles and and with the help of sweet syrups to combine all the ingredients. They make the most delicious Waffle Airplanes. Food Puzzle Booba is always interesting and it's an amazing adventure every time. Step-by-step preparation is attached. It turned out to be a wonderful series, it will appeal to children, as now they will be able to prepare their own flying waffles. Bon Appetit! wishes to all Booba and his friends. Watch online all the series in a row without stopping Booba in English - this is a very interesting,informative and just fun cartoon.
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