Booba in English Cartoon 2021 new series Food Puzzle: Waffle Animals - Episode 18 watch online for the kids for free
Watch the new Booba in English series online for free. Today, Booba and the Mouse decided to cook an unusual dish of waffles. It's always nice to cook something delicious with your best friend. They make little animals. To do this, use waffles, strawberries, chocolate and marshmallows. The mouse turned out to be a cheerful bunny, and Booba has a kind dinosaur. For the peephole, they took berries. Sweet Waffle Animals look just delicious and of course they are very tasty. Step by step, we analyze the preparation of these dishes. Booba loves to eat delicious food, so we will always like Food Puzzle with him. Children will learn the easiest and most exciting recipes. A good and very appetizing series turned out to please everyone. Watch online for free all series in a row without stopping Booba in English - this is a very interesting,informative and just fun cartoon.
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